CD 1 contents

English Version

Step by step Icons:

Saint Basil the Great
Saint George and the dragon
The Pantocrator of Vatopedi
The Holy Trinity (Rublev)


Floating a garment
Highlighting a face


The proportions of tempera painting (new)

- Full compatibility (html format).
- Open your Cd with your favorite browser
- Easy to use interface of navigation
- All pictures are clickable for a higher definition
- 16 QuickTime movie clips

CD 2 contents

English Version

Step by step Icons:

The Annonciation
Saint Michael (Rublev)
The Baptism of Jesus
The Mother of God of Vladimir


A real alternative to olifa:
Natural wax varnishing

- Full compatibility (html format).
- Open your Cd with your favorite browser
- Easy to use interface of navigation
- All pictures are clickable for a higher definition
- 25 QuickTime movie clips

Cost of one CD: 42 CHF + Shipping & handling: 3 CHF ........... Total amount: 45 Swiss Francs

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